
Contributions are welcome and appreciated! Every little bit helps and we will always give you credit. You can contribute in the ways listed below.

Report issues

Report errors and other issues using the “Report issue” link at the bottom of each page or by going to the issues page on GitHub.

If you are reporting an issue related to running the code, please include the following information:

  • Your operating system name and version
  • Whether you are running the code on Klone, and if you are:
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the issue

Submitting feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue on GitHub.

If you are proposing a feature or change, please:

  • Explain in detail how it would work or what it would cover
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible

Questions and discussion

Have a question or want to discuss something? There are a few options:

  • 📥 File an issue on GitHub
  • 🧵 Start a discussion or read past discussions on GitHub Discussions
  • 📧 Send an e-mail to the psych-hpc mailing list or read the archives

Contributing new content or changes

You can contribute content or changes to the guide by forking this repository and submitting a pull request.


To contribute to this guide, you should be familiar with collaborating on GitHub, using Git, and writing documents in Markdown (specifically Quarto Markdown).

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone your fork locally.
  3. Create a new branch for your changes.
  4. If you want to preview or build the site locally:
    1. Install Quarto (use version 1.4 or higher, or a 1.4 pre-release version).
    2. Install R (v4.1 or higher) and install the rmarkdown package with install.packages("rmarkdown").
  5. Make your changes (generally to .qmd files).
  6. Add yourself to the list of authors in the YAML front matter of this page.
  7. If adding a new page:
    1. Add a link to the page in the _quarto.yml sidebar section.
    2. If the page is part of a folder that contains an index.qmd file that has a listing section and the contents section within it does not include all the pages using a wildcard (e.g., - "*.qmd"), add the page to the contents section under the listing section.
    3. If the page should be listed on the Welcome page, add a link to the page in the index.qmd file at the root of the repository.
    4. Ensure that the page has a description in the YAML front matter.
    5. Ensure that the page has a title in the YAML front matter OR that the page has a # heading at the top of the page.
  8. If possible, preview your changes locally using quarto preview.
  9. Open a pull request.

Once the pull request is opened, a project maintainer will review your changes and may request changes or ask questions. Once the changes are approved, a project maintainer will merge your changes into the main repository.

Repository structure

The repository is structured as a Quarto website project.

The main files and folders are:

  • _quarto.yml: Quarto configuration file for the website
  • index.qmd: Quarto Markdown file for the home page
  • docs/: contains the page content
  • _examples/: contains example code
  • _static: contains static files that will be available to published web pages (e.g., images, CSS, JavaScript)
  • _extensions/: contains installed Quarto extensions


This work is licensed under the MIT license