Machine learning

What is machine learning (ML)

  • A field of science/engineering that builds systems that are capable of learning from experience.
  • Very broad and varied, but some common features:
    • Algorithms that learn from data, rather than rule-based, hand-tuned systems.
    • Performance evaluation focused on well-defined quantitative targets.
  • A contrast with “traditional inference”:
    • Focused on “prediction”.
    • Not as much on “explanation” or “understanding”.

The setup

  • Let \(X\) be a set of independent variables, \(n\) rows by \(p\) columns.
  • Let’s assume it’s tidy 😊
  • \(y\) a dependent variable, \(n\) entries
  • So, in fairly general terms:
  • \(y = f_\theta(X)\)
  • Where \(f\) is some function and \(\theta\) are parameters of this function.
  • The goal of ML can be described as defining a procedure that identifies the values of \(\theta\)
  • In some cases, also need to learn the form of \(f\)

Types of ML

  • Supervised:
    • In this case, we have both \(y\) and \(X\) measured.
    • Predicting people’s chronological age from structural brain differences.
    • Determining whether an email is spam.
    • Predicting a person’s rating of a movie based on their rating of other movies.
  • Unsupervised:
    • In this case, we only have \(X\) (\(y\) may be a latent factor).
    • Example from Efron and Diaconis: determining the linear combination of grades that best distinguishes between students.
    • Determining sub-types of autism based on brain structure

Supervised learning

  • Regression: \(y\) is a continuous variable
  • Classification: \(y\) is a discrete variable




Unsupervised learning

  • Clustering
  • Dimensionality reduction



Dimensionality reduction

Quantifying performance

Quantifying performance

\(R^2 = 1 - \frac{SS_{res}}{SS_{tot}} = 1 - \frac{\sum{(y - \hat{y})^2}}{\sum{(y - \bar{y})^2}}\)

\(R^2 = 0.2\)

Quantifying performance







Model selection

  • Consider: \(y = X\beta\)
    • Fitting: solve for \(\beta\)
    • OLS: minimize \(\sum{(y - \hat{y})^2}\)
    • But what about the setting where \(p\) >> \(n\)?
    • Or with correlated regressors?
    • The curse of dimensionality
  • Lasso: solve for beta
    • Minimize: \(\sum{(y - \hat{y})^2} + \lambda \sum{|\beta|}\)
    • Where \(\lambda\) is a hyperparameter

The bias variance tradeoff

But how do we know how much bias?


Cross-validation for model selection

Cross-validation for model selection