Working with Big Data

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina
(by way of Wickham, 2014)

Best practices

  • Good enough practices.
  • What did you take from Wilson et al.?
  • What do you think you’ll start using this week?
  • What do you hope to start using in the future?

Best practices in naming things (files in particular)

Based on Jenny Bryan’s work

  • Machine readable
  • Human readable
  • Plays well with default ordering

Machine readable

Based on Jenny Bryan’s work

  • Usable with regular expressions and globbing
    • No spaces
    • No punctuation
    • No accented characters (or other funky stuff)
    • Case matters
  • Easy to use in code
    • Use the delimiters deliberately

Some things you could do

And a few you probably shouldn’t (or can’t)

The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)

A standard for storing and describing neuroimaging data

The anatomy of a BIDS filename


  • Entities are composed of key-value pairs
  • Suffix provides some additional information (the data type: fMRI, anatomical, etc.)
  • For example:
    • sub-control1, task-nback are entities
    • T1w and bold are suffixes
    • .nii.gz and .tsv are extensions

Machine readable: query on large lists of files with code

> Sys.glob("~/AFQ_data/HBN/derivatives/afq/sub-*/ses-*/*model-DTI*.nii.gz")
[1] "/Users/arokem/AFQ_data/HBN/derivatives/afq/sub-NDARAA948VFH/ses-HBNsiteRU/sub-NDARAA948VFH_ses-HBNsiteRU_acq-64dir_space-T1w_desc-preproc_dwi_model-DTI_FA.nii.gz"
[2] "/Users/arokem/AFQ_data/HBN/derivatives/afq/sub-NDARAA948VFH/ses-HBNsiteRU/sub-NDARAA948VFH_ses-HBNsiteRU_acq-64dir_space-T1w_desc-preproc_dwi_model-DTI_diffmodel.nii.gz"
[3] "/Users/arokem/AFQ_data/HBN/derivatives/afq/sub-NDARAV554TP2/ses-HBNsiteRU/sub-NDARAV554TP2_ses-HBNsiteRU_acq-64dir_space-T1w_desc-preproc_dwi_model-DTI_FA.nii.gz"
[4] "/Users/arokem/AFQ_data/HBN/derivatives/afq/sub-NDARAV554TP2/ses-HBNsiteRU/sub-NDARAV554TP2_ses-HBNsiteRU_acq-64dir_space-T1w_desc-preproc_dwi_model-DTI_diffmodel.nii.gz"

Human readable

  • Files that are related to each other are visually grouped
  • Can use default file ordering in order to impose logical order

Consider putting numeric values first

$ ls

Use ISO 8601 to order by date of creation

  • An international standard for communicating about date/time
  • For filenames, usually time is not relevant, but dates may be
  • I recommend the YYYYMMDD format (but could also use YYYY-MM-DD)
  • In general, try to avoid reinventing the wheel

More about names and standards


“Data about data”

  • For every data table, create a “data dictionary”
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) provides a natural format for storing dictionaries
{ # Begin with a curly brace
"key1": <value>, # commas in-between
"key2": [<list>, <of>, <values>], # Can be numerical, quote-enclosed string, etc.
"key3": {"key3_1": <value>, "key3_2": <value>}, # Nesting allowed!
} # End with a curly brace

Metadata - example

    "age": {
        "Description": "age of the participant",
        "Units": "year"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "sex of the participant as reported by the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "M": "male",
            "F": "female"
    "handedness": {
        "Description": "handedness of the participant as reported by the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "left": "left",
            "right": "right"
    "group": {
        "Description": "experimental group the participant belonged to",
        "Levels": {
            "read": "participants who read an inspirational text before the experiment",
            "write": "participants who wrote an inspirational text before the experiment"

Tidy data

  1. Each variable is a column; each column is a variable.
  2. Each observation is a row; each row is an observation.
  3. Each value is a cell; each cell is a single value.
treatmenta treatmentb
John Smith NA 2
Jane Doe 16 11
Mary Johnson 3 1
John Smith Jane Doe Mary Johnson
treatmenta NA 16 3
treatmentb 2 11 1
Person Treatment Result
John Smith a NA
Jane Doe a 16
Mary Johnson a 3
John Smith b 2
Jane Doe b 11
Mary Johnson b 1

Variable vs. observation

  • It is easier to describe functional relationships between variables.
    • density is the ratio of weight to volume.
  • It is easier to make comparisons between rows.
    • E.g., Treatment a vs. Treatment b.
  • There might also be multiple levels of observation
    • We’ll see a hands-on example a little later.

“Dirty” data

  • Comes in all kinds of forms.
  • The article shows a few of these.
  • This annotated version shows some more code (from tidyr) to deal with some of these.

Data cleaning example: melting

patients <- tribble(
  ~name,         ~treatmenta,     ~treatmentb,
  "John Smith",   NA,             2,
  "Jane Doe",     16,             11,
  "Mary Johnson", 3,              1,

Data cleaning example: melting

> patients
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  name         treatmenta treatmentb
  <chr>             <dbl>      <dbl>
1 John Smith           NA          2
2 Jane Doe             16         11
3 Mary Johnson          3          1

Data cleaning example: melting

patients_long <- patients %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("treatment"),
               names_to = "treatment",
               values_to = "result")

Data cleaning example: melting

> patients_long
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  name         treatment  result
  <chr>        <chr>       <dbl>
1 John Smith   treatmenta     NA
2 John Smith   treatmentb      2
3 Jane Doe     treatmenta     16
4 Jane Doe     treatmentb     11
5 Mary Johnson treatmenta      3
6 Mary Johnson treatmentb      1

“Dirty” data

  • The best way to avoid “dirty” data is to not create it.
    • Use form validation.
    • Design your data “schema” with tidy data in mind.

Benefits of tidy data

  • Tidy tools: tools that take tidy data as input and produce tidy data as output.
  • A grammar of data analysis: dplyr
  • A grammar of visualization: ggplot2
  • Modeling: lme4 etc.

Workflows that are enabled by tidy data

  • Split-apply-combine
  • Merging between measurements


Using dplyr

  • Minimally: group_by %>% summarize
  • But also: filter %>% group_by %>% summarise
  • And even: filter %>% group_by %>% summarise %>% aggregate
  • For some nice examples see this notebook

Merging across different data

Let’s look at this with a hands-on example

We’ll come back to best-practices when we talk about FAIR